Fact Checking Policy


To ensure the accuracy and reliability of all content published on our website, we commit to rigorous fact-checking procedures.


This policy covers all content types, including articles, blog posts, social media posts, infographics, and videos.

Roles and Responsibilities

1. Content Creators: Responsible for the initial verification of facts and sources.
2. Editors: Conduct secondary verification of facts and sources.
3. Fact-Checking Team: Performs a final comprehensive review before publication.

Fact-Checking Procedures

1. Initial Verification:
Primary Sources: Prioritize primary sources such as original research, official documents, and direct interviews.
Secondary Sources: Cross-reference information from reputable news organizations, academic journals, and trusted websites.
Documentation: Maintain records of all sources and research notes.

2. Editorial Review:
Source Verification: Ensure all sources cited are credible and reliable.
Cross-checking: Validate facts against multiple reputable sources.
Accuracy Check: Verify dates, figures, and statistics for precision.

3. Final Fact-Check:
Thorough Review: Conduct a detailed review of all facts, sources, and references.
Clarification: Communicate with content creators to resolve any discrepancies.
Approval: Content is approved for publication only after thorough verification.


  • Official Sources: Refer to government websites, international organizations, and established news agencies.

Specific Guidelines

  1. News Articles: Verify facts with at least two independent sources.
  2. Opinion Pieces: Clearly distinguish between facts and opinions; verify factual claims.
  3. Infographics: Ensure data points and visual representations are accurate.
  4. User-Generated Content: Fact-check user-generated content before featuring it prominently.

Handling Corrections

  • Prompt Action: Correct errors quickly and transparently.
  • Correction Notices: Include a correction notice explaining the error and correction.
  • Process Review: Review fact-checking procedures to prevent future errors.

Training and Updates

  • Ongoing Training: Regularly train team members on the latest fact-checking techniques and tools.
  • Policy Review: Periodically review and update the fact-checking policy to improve processes.


We are dedicated to providing accurate and trustworthy information. This fact-checking policy is a testament to our commitment to maintaining high standards of content integrity.